Dog Heart Health Supplement

Thursday, March 21, 2024

Cat Eyelid Surgery

 Cat Eyelid Surgery 

Purpose: Cat eyelid surgery, also known as blepharoplasty, is often performed to correct entropion (inward rolling of the eyelids) or ectropion (outward rolling of the eyelids) in cats.

Entropion: This condition can cause irritation, pain, and even corneal ulcers if left untreated, making surgery necessary to alleviate discomfort and prevent further complications.

Ectropion: Cats with ectropion may experience excessive tearing, eye infections, and discomfort due to the inability of the eyelids to properly protect the eye's surface.

Anesthesia: Cat eyelid surgery typically requires general anesthesia to ensure the cat remains still and comfortable throughout the procedure.

Surgical Technique: The surgeon will carefully adjust the eyelid tissue to correct the rolling inward or outward, ensuring proper alignment and function.

Recovery: After surgery, cats may require special care and attention, including post-operative medications, to manage pain and prevent infection.

Stitches: Depending on the technique used, the surgeon may use dissolvable or non-dissolvable stitches to secure the eyelid tissue in its new position.

Follow-Up Care: Regular follow-up appointments with the veterinarian are essential to monitor healing progress and address any complications that may arise.

Preventive Measures: In some cases, cat eyelid surgery may be recommended as a preventive measure for certain breeds predisposed to eyelid abnormalities.

Outcome: With proper surgical intervention and post-operative care, most cats experience improved eye comfort and function following eyelid surgery.

Learn more about feeding diabetic cats.

And feeding newborn kittens.

Image via Paul Hanaoka (Unsplash)

Saturday, December 3, 2022

Hacking cough in dogs

  Why is your dog coughing?

There are many reasons why your dog could be coughing. It's always best to see a veterinarian if your dog keeps coughing day after day. This is especially important if you can't readily identify a cause for their coughing, such as the presence of allergens in their environment.

Some dogs may cough briefly and stop. However, other dogs may cough and their coughing may be accompanied by difficulty breathing. It's important to see a veterinarian if a dog is coughing and can't breathe well. Persistent coughing along with difficulty breathing is a sign of congestive heart failure in dogs.

Congestive heart failure in dogs is a serious condition. However, if it's diagnosed early, your dog will have a better chance of living for several more years.

Dogs with congestive heart failure cough persistently because fluid starts to build up in their lungs. They also cough because their trachea is irritated. When a dog has congestive heart failure, their trachea can become irritated as their heart becomes bigger and pushes against their trachea.

When a dog is diagnosed with congestive heart failure, veterinarians will usually prescribe diuretics that help to reduce the buildup of fluid. This helps to reduce the coughing. 

A holistic veterinarian may also recommend natural diuretics for dogs that can be used as a part of their treatment regimen. However, natural diuretics for dogs should not be used to replace prescription diuretics when a dog has congestive heart failure.

Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Water Retention in Dogs and Cats

 Water Retention in Dogs and Cats 

Dog ascites treatment:

  • Diuretics 
  • Tapping the dog's abdomen to remove fluid ( if they're uncomfortable)
  • Low sodium dog food 

Cat Eyelid Surgery

 Cat Eyelid Surgery  Purpose: Cat eyelid surgery, also known as blepharoplasty, is often performed to correct entropion (inward rolling of t...